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The idea that many of us lack muscle tone is common, but in his column Carbonnel reveals that in fact most of us have more than enough of it. He explains that muscle tone is the pe...more
Muscles of the Hip, Thigh, Leg and Foot - Extract Concise Book of Muscles
This is an extract from The Concise Book of Muscles 3rd Edition by Chris Jarmey / John Sharkey. Lotus Publishing. 2015.more
Mushroom Biomass: Some Clinical Implications of β-Glucans and Enzymes
Mushrooms are widely appreciated all over the world for their nutritional value and medicinal properties. They have low fat, high protein and vitamin contents. Mushrooms contain sev...more
Mushroom Combination Shown to Reduce Pathological Changes Associated with Parkinson’s Disease
Two mushroom species – Hericium erinaceus and Coriolus versicolor – have been widely studied individually and in combination to assess their effects in ameliorating the pathological...more
To date the development of a pharmaceutical solution to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) to reduce the increase of both Tau and β-Amyloid protein production has been disappointing.more
Mushroom Nutrition: Prebiotic Implications for Neurodegenerative Conditions
Over the past 10 years, there has been much research effort focused on trying to understand the role of mushroom nutrition in slowing the onset and progression of neurodegenerative ...more
Music and Mental Health: Impact on the Elderly
Just like us, the elderly can suffer from mental health problems, but we often forget about them because they are older, and we don’t usually see them as people who suffer from thin...more
For centuries people have believed there is a profound link between music and health, but is there any evidence to suggest that music can be therapeutic in more than just an allego...more
Music for Relaxation and Massage and other Therapies
Many of us ask ourselves how best to deal with excessive stress. One of the very effective options is with music, either on its own, in a relaxed environment, or as a complement to...more
Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and declared: “One small step for man, one giant leap for humankind.” The first human footprint imprinted on the moon and will forever be a monumen...more
Conventional medicine does not have a successful treatment for eczema and when she started using homeopathy, Dr Jones was delighted to have a tool that could be effective in trea...more
In this article the author shares his experience with the fungal infection Candida following intensive research on the condition. His search included findings from the Mayo Clinic,...more
My Brain Fog and Anxiety have Disappeared – I Finally have My Life Back
For years Company Director David Brown struggled with lethargy, forgetfulness, anxiety and depression. He discovered he has an intolerance to egg white and egg yolk. Since eliminat...more
My China Experience (Part One)?
The question mark after 'Part One' is not a printer's error. It is there because the experience hasn't really been crystallised fully in me yet; it is still evolving.more
My China Experience (Part Two)
My China story continues (see Positive Health January/ February 1997 for Part One). Let me recap very briefly before continuing. I went to China last year for a month to immerse my...more
My Experience of Publishing Positive Health PH Online for >22 Years
David Lorimer’s invitation to describe the impact of publishing Positive Health PH Online for >22 years has provoked within me an intense period of reflection and introspection....more
My Integrated Approach to Lymphoma Including Chemotherapy
In this article the author shares her experience with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Chemotherapy which if avoided would not have seen her survive more than three months, according to ...more
In this article the author shares her experience with epilepsy at the physical, emotional and mental levels and how it turned her life around.more
My Life-Enhancement Journey Coping with Fibromyalgia
I have endured chronic pain for as long as I can remember. In school, it was brushed off as “growing pains” because doctors couldn’t find the root of the cause. Later, it was a “wea...more
My Love Affair with Joe (Cup of, that is)
I grew up in a country where instant coffee was all the rage. We were logistically so far removed from Europe that the whole latte, cappuccino, decaf movement sailed straight pas...more
I wanted to be Cleopatra or at least Catherine the Great, but it turned out I was just another little Jewish girl in my past life. I was also a teenage boy in knickers and a cave-d...more
My Story - Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal
Three years ago Kerry Burrows had her sixteen amalgam fillings removed and replaced with shiny white composites. The process did not cure all her ailments but it did remove her l...more
Myofascial pain trigger points nerve root pain satellite trigger points
Myofascial trigger points coincide with the acupoints of traditional Chinese medicine.more
Myofascial Release Techniques - How they Changed my Treatments for the Better
My journey with myofascial release started in 2009, when I discovered this amazing art, I studied intensively in the US and the UK, and immediately integrated these hands on techniq...more
Myofascial Trigger Points and Beyond
Trigger points develop when parts of the muscles stop moving as they should and instead become set in one position, which leads to a state of contraction. Niel-Asher looks at the d...more
I met Dr Garliner some 30 years ago when I attended his practice in Coral Gables, Florida for a week to lean about his concepts of correct swallowing patterns which he named "Myofun...more
Mystic Mantra: Be Mindful and Fully Grounded
The best thing to do is simple, also profound – to detach oneself from such a stranglehold with a sense of attached detachment.more
Mystic Mantra: Let the World be your Oyster
The philosopher Socrates set the record straight. He believed that our character depended primarily on harmony. When we want to be happy, as he emphasized, we will predictably do wh...more
Mystic Mantra: Soul Dance and Balance
Agreed that we are all endowed with our own distinctive personalities – they are as unique as our signature, or fingerprint. Most of us cultivate or foster certain interests in ar...more
Mystic Mantra: The Soul is the Fount of Conscious Awareness
The soul in Western and Eastern philosophy has diverse connotations in terms of its relationship with our conscious mind, mind-body and body-mind intelligence.more
Mystic Mantra: There’s More to Tears than Meets the Eye
The more powerful the “tear-jerking” plot, visage, or story, the better the liberating upshot. The precept that tears have healing outcomes emerged aeons ago. The philosopher Aristo...more
Mystic Mantra: Wisdom from the Spider’s Web
Silk is nature’s sublime, also wondrous creation – because the pint-sized spider, as a freak of nature, was given the facility to make silk, a cloth like no other.more
Vivienne Silver-Leigh shares her experiences of Chateau Bellenau in Normandy, which has been restored over the past three years to provide a peaceful and magical setting for transf...more
Nanomedicine – Making Treatment Safe and Precise
It is obvious that nanomedicine is poised to revolutionize medicine for treating a host of disorders that have no easy, or long-term, curative answersmore
The cumulative effects of decades of use and mis-use leads to degenerative changes in joints. This damage is further compounded by a decreased ability by the body to repair joint s...more
Natural Allopathic Non-Toxic Treatment of Cancer
Natural Allopathic Medicine is introducing to the world an aggressive nontoxic method of winning the war against cancer, offering new tactics and combining them with some very succ...more
Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics
In this article, Suzanne Laurie describes the result of the over use of antibiotics and suggests alternative natural remedies to be used, especially for minor complaints. Antibioti...more
Natural Approaches for an Overactive Thyroid: A Personal Story
The author of this article, Kath Clements, shares her personal story of dealing with hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland becomes overactive and consequently the...more
Natural Approaches For Eczema and Psoriasis
Living with eczema or psoriasis is a nightmare, day and night – an endless round of itching and scratching, often reducing the sufferers' self esteem, well-being, concentration spa...more
Natural Approaches to Depression
This article describes research linking Depression with a wide range of health problems, including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Back Pain, Cardiovascular Disease, Physical De...more
Natural Approaches to Fertility
Tanya Leung explores some self-help methods for fertility that are, in many cases, simply adopting a lifestyle that is going to nourish both mother and baby.more
Natural Approaches to Gallstones
The author, a woman in her forties, describes her experiences and sudden attacks of excruciating pain which started one evening several years ago. She underwent a number of medic...more
Natural Approaches to Leaky Gut
…children and adults with eczema, urticaria or asthma triggered by food allergy show that they have higher gut permeability than those who don't have these conditions. This indicat...more
This article describes the 'healing hands' of a natural healer, and how his skill has been used to treat pain relief, and a wide range of ailments including musculo-skeletal, circu...more
Natural Childbirth: Maternal Expectations Versus The Reality
This well researched article outlines the features of a normal birth, discusses the expectations of mothers about birth, especially the expectations of mothers committed to a ‘natu...more
Natural Coping Approaches for Children with ADHD
In this article, the author, the mother of a young hyperactive child, discusses ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and how best to deal ...more
Natural Health Holidays in Sunny Spain
Jan Williamson, a complementary health practitioner from Exeter in Devon, coordinates health care holidays in Southern Spain where this naturopathic approach can be taken even furt...more
Natural HRT: Herbal and Ayurveda Approach
Dr Nancy Lonsdorf MD looks at the way in which Ayurveda acknowledges menopause as a natural transition – a concept that has only been recently considered by the medical community. ...more
Natural Measles Immunity – Better Protection and More Long-Term Benefits than Vaccines
Stories about vaccines in the popular press tend to be unabashedly one-sided, generally portraying vaccination as a universal (and essential) “good” with virtually no down side. Thi...more
Natural Nutraceuticals Rather Than Pharmaceuticals
The author studied pharmacy and medicine at university, and spent several years working for major pharmaceutical companies, helping clients to attain the quality standards required...more
Natural Products and Lifestyle - Their Potential Role in a Bird Flu Pandemic
In this article the author focuses on the potential role of natural products in a bird flu pandemic. There, apparently, is increasing evidence now that the H5N1 (which initiates th...more
Dr John Lee, from California, has been in private practice for almost 35 years, he has been teaching courses in optimal health for about a quarter of a century, and he is one of the...more
Natural Progesterone and Oestrogen
From puberty to the grave, our general health and well being or lack of it, is a reflection of our hormonal balance. I think all of us at sometime become very cross when someone, us...more
Natural Remedies for Early Pregnancy
This column focuses on the safe natural remedies prescribed a pregnant woman who initially consulted the author in her eighth week, when suffering from nausea, exhaustion and on-go...more
Natural Remedies: Increase Your Immunity with Plants and Herbs
Natural remedies and alternative therapies are becoming increasingly popular. Because of modern lifestyles and high-stress living, psychosomatic disorders are becoming very common. ...more
Natural Treatment Approaches for Resolving Food and Environmental Allergies
Almost everyone you meet, these days has an allergy to something - a foodstuff, a household cleaning product, a perfume or some other common chemical. The most important thing to u...more
Natural Treatment Options for Acne Vulgaris
Mild acne affects many teenagers at some point but also adults. Acne is a condition which can be effectively treated. In order to make most of the treatments available it is necessa...more
Natural Vision Improvement for Children and Adults
Meir Schneider PhD first explains that he was born blind from congenital cataracts, nystagmus, glaucoma and small corneas, and suffered further injuries to his ocular lenses from u...more
Natural Weight-loss Supplements:
As the problem of obesity continues to increase in the Western world, pharmaceutical companies have responded by developing weight-loss drugs that target certain biochemical pathwa...more
All of us know that a host of new, unusually powerful and resurgent diseases, including COVID-19, have been expanding around us with alarming intensity. This pandemic of epidemics n...more
Nature’s Healer: 5 Ways That Going Vegan Could Help with Managing Menopause Symptoms
With plant-based diets now being linked to reduced menopausal symptoms, nutrition experts Free Soul have analysed the most unexpected ways that going vegan could support women exper...more
Catherine had all the trappings of success – a great job as an IT consultant, a big salary and a classy company car – but she'd never been so unhappy in her life. Exasperated with ...more
Naturopathic Hydrotherapy: The Constitutional Treatment
This account of the principles and practice of Hydrotherapy follows a lifetime's study of Naturopathic Techniques after conventional medicine had failed to improve what David calls...more
Naturopathic medicine does not only have an active role to play in correcting imbalances through the use of natural therapies, but it also focuses on bringing about an inner develo...more
In 1874 Andrew Taylor Still brought osteopathy into the world. At that time the work of Pasteur and Lister was unknown, and many patients who survived the crude surgery that was ...more
Naturopathic Roadmap to Achieving Your Ideal Weight
One out of three women and one out of four men are on a diet at any given time. Two-thirds of dieters regain the lost weight within one year and virtually all regain it within five ...more
Naturopathic Treatment Approaches for Candida Albicans
In this article the author shares his treatment approach to Candida albicans, based on 15 years of clinical practice, researching various diagnostic methods, allopathic and naturop...more
Naturopathy - Living with Nature Cure
Nature Cure is more than just another cure. It is living to the highest and fullest degree in every way, by keeping one's body properly fed, exercised and cleansed.more
Naturopathy as a Profession: Current and Future Prospects
This article looks at Naturopathy as a profession, its origins, what it can be used to treat, the educational training of naturopaths and future prospects of this practice.more
The purpose of this article is to show that Naturopathy is a well-defined concept of health care, that Natural Therapeutics is Naturopathy in action where patients are treated in a...more
Naturopathy Principles and Facts: InfoGraphic from The YinOva Center
Naturopathy, a couple of factsmore
Naturopathy: Conscious Way to Whole Health
In this article, Naturopath Accem Scott describes his approach to the practice of Naturopathy and his path to developing that approach, drawing on his own experiences and using a n...more
Neck Pain - What Causes It, How to Treat It, and How to Avoid Getting It
Almost 31 million days of work are lost each year due to neck, back and muscle problems, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Neck pain is a modern day epidemic du...more
Neck Pain and the Primary Control
More than 50% of adults have had neck pain during the past year, with around two-thirds of the population having neck pain at some point in their lives. The incidence of neck pain i...more
Neem - The Tree Of The 21st Century
The Neem tree, Azadirachta indica has been part of the oldest botanical medical system in the world, Ayurveda from Indian with a history of over 5000 years, but it seems that the be...more
Neem is considered a major element in preventing and healing diseases among Ayurvedic practitioners. Every part of this fascinating tree has been used, from ancient to modern tim...more
Human ingenuity has led to wondrous feats, from fire to complex social structure. Man has taken apart and put together everything he could lay his hands on – splitting atoms, reachi...more
When men meet women they look first at their faces, therefore most women want to look very attractive, even erotic with young-looking glowing healthy silky-soft skin with no wrinkle...more
Neem Toothpaste - The Healthy Solution for Teeth and Gums
Modern toothpaste is a heavy mix of chemicals and synthetics to clean, polish and maintain healthy teeth and gums. But are those ingredients safe, or even necessary?more
Neem: An Ancient Cure for a Modern World
The Neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) has been known as the wonder tree for centuries in the Indian subcontinent. It has become important in the global context today because ...more
NEEM: The Healing Tree With Ayurveda Origins
Human ingenuity has led to wondrous feats, from fire to complex social structures. Man has taken apart and put together everything he could lay his hands on – splitting the atoms, r...more
Neonatal Sensitisation to Latex
Latex is a known allergen and latex sensitisation has become a serious problem for nurses, midwives and doctors who have extensive, long-term exposure to it. It has been assumed ...more
Nettle Health Benefits – the Science
One of the most abundant weeds in the UK, the common stinging nettle is everywhere and most of us tend to avoid it due to its irritating sting. However, stinging nettles have also b...more
Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) - Interview with Dr Epstein
This is an interview with New York Chiropractor Dr Donald Epstein, on Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), which was discovered in 1982, when Dr Epstein began networking various chiropra...more
Neural Organisation Technique (NOT), a non-invasive, kinesiologically-based treatment protocol, is designed to recognise any of the disorganisations that may be found within the ne...more
In the naturopathically oriented medical and 'Heil-praktiker' clinics 'neural therapy' as described by 'Huneke' (1925) has been considered to be one of the best therapeutic measure...more
Neuro Linguistic Psychotherapy for Skin Conditions
The neuro linguistic model is a holistic one, which begins with the assumption of a mind-body connection: how we communicate with ourselves affects our body. Thus the neuro linguis...more
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) in Business
David Molden, NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, is passionate, committed and successful in utilizing NLP’s many varied tool box for business purposes.more
Neuro-Skeletal Realignment Therapy
Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy is a very gentle non-invasive therapy, which can treat any musculo-skeletal/neurological condition. It can re-align muscle, tendon, ligament and ...more
Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Depression Part I
And as my theme is 'Practical NLP', I will explain how these basic concepts can be used in the treatment of depression.more
Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Depression Part II
The article sets out ways in which working with submodalities can be very effective in helping people suffering from depression. more
Neuromuscular Taping Reduces Blood Pressure in Systemic Arterial Hypertension[1]
Neuromuscular taping is the application of a particular type of tape which can be applied to the skin in various patterns to alter function and alleviate pain in many conditions. I...more
Neuromuscular Taping: Innovative Rehabilitation Technique
The development and use of various types of tape to support parts of the body to aid healing is not new. However the author’s experience and technical skills have enabled him to d...more
NeuroMuscular Therapy - History and Uses
NMT is based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system maintains homoeostatic balance, and in many cases, eliminates the cause of a person's acute to chronic...more
Neuromuscular Therapy for Chronic Pain and Postural Dysfunction
This article describes the treatment of a client, an athlete with some complex muscular-skeletal problems, by the comprehensive approach which is Neuromuscular Therapy.more
Neuroplasticity – How to Heal Incurable Tinnitus, Dizziness and Vertigo Symptoms
Every person who experiences vertigo or tinnitus has their own way of describing them. Your sensations are something that no one else can ever feel or really understand. While this ...more
Neuroskeletal Alignment Case Studies
This column focuses on the effectiveness of Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy through four case studies, conducted by some graduates at Morely College. All the case studies pres...more
Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy (BSRT) Case Studies Revolutionizing the Treatment of Back Pain
This article is a set of case studies by the author’s students of Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy at Morley College in London, and the Kevala Centre.more
Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy (NSRT) - A 2019 Reflection
It has been a great year for our therapy in 2019. Lots of new students have joined us, some previous graduates have come for updates and we have expanded into the USA! On top of tha...more
Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy (NSRT) - Does It Work?
It has been 21 years since I first wrote an article on this therapy in Positive Health Magazine – PH Online Issue 22 Sept 1997 after I had been to Australia to train in this techni...more
Neuroskeletal Re-Alignment Therapy (NSRT) and Neck Pathology
This column focuses on Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy, which can be used for a wide range of back, neck and joint problems. The therapy works through the Central Nervous and Me...more
Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy Case Studies
I have written many articles for Positive Health Magazine over the years on this therapy as it has been my passion and my main therapy practised since I originally trained in it in ...more
Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy for Migraine Sufferers - Case Study
This article is a case study in neuroskeletal re-alignment therapy for a client with a number of problems including virtually ongoing headaches, but other complications as well, so...more
Neuroskeletal Realignment Therapy for Stroke
This column focuses on Neuroskeletal Realignment Therapy treatment for strokes.more
Neurostructural Integration Technique (Advanced Bowen Therapy)
The Neurostructural Integration Technique® (NST) is an extremely powerful multidimensional technique, which has been specifically developed for the ongoing dynamic integration of t...more
Neurotransmitters – Acetylcholine
So far, this series [from Walnut Magazine] on neurotransmitters has covered serotonin, GABA and dopamine, and in this final instalment, we focus on acetylcholine - a neurotransmitte...more
Neutrophil Reactivity - The NuTron Test
The subject of food allergy is a contentious subject. Nutrition is almost absent from most medical curricula and with no obvious financial beneficiary from research, investigation ...more
Never Mind ME - What About 'Blame-the-Patient' Syndrome?
A group of psychiatrists led by Professor Simon Wesseley, have been able to establish the view that ME is a psychiatric condition which can be successfully treated by Cognitive Beh...more
Never Move From Where You Already Are
The meditation instructions that I give are very simple. I ask people to relax as much as they can, to be as at ease and as free from tension as possible and at the same time I w...more
Most doctors will admit that life events have an effect on health. It has been proven in studies that rates of illness increase after bereavement, divorce or other negative occur...more
This article offers crucial information about the relationships between cancer and infectious threats that every cancer patient and their family must be aware of. The truth that we ...more
New Hope for Headache Sufferers that is ‘Out of this World’
A new revolutionary health screening test originally developed by the health department of NASA is now being used in the UK to help identify and address the root causes of individua...more
New Innovations are Catching more Cancers Earlier
Thanks to a number of innovation schemes being trialed across the UK, we could be one step closer to catching cancer in the earlier stages. Scaling up an innovative scheme to catch ...more
In this article the author focuses on how to achieve a positive frame of mind and create more appreciation for what we have. In a crisis - be it anguish, self-pity or despair - she...more
New Perspectives on Back Pain – The Suffering We Share
Chronic back pain is something many of us now suffer from and one of the most common causes of disability and early retirement. And yet, we still have no adequate explanation as to...more
New Reality Creation: A Neurobiological & Quantum Field Perspective
“The truth of the matter is that Joe's work is all about consciousness. He would pray to the God of abundance and allow himself to be taken forward by forces bigger than himself. So...more
New Sources for Potentised Remedies
The homoeopathic method of preparation, known as potentization, converts unpleasant and dangerous substances into harmless, wholesome remedies.more
To demonstrate that EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) techniques are being taken seriously there is now an EFT International Level 2 Practitioner training for therapists, counsello...more
Approximately 100 years ago, the niacin deficiency disease pellagra, was at its peak in the southern United States of America. Over 120,000 people would die between 1900 to 1920 due...more
Night Terrors and Atrial Fibrillation - Hypothesis on Cause and Possible Remedy
Night terrors typically revolve around dreams where the sufferer experiences very realistic looking scenes about various threats e.g. a wild animal attacking them, the experience of...more
Nine Star Ki - Powerful Wisdom for Personal Transformation
Nine Star Ki (pronounced 'key' – the Japanese word for energy or life-force), may be the oldest form of astrology in the world. It has its origins in China, coming from the 4000 ye...more
Nitrate levels are often so high in British lettuce and spinach that our government recently negotiated a relaxation of the EC limits. The EC set limits in order to protect public ...more
The number of members of the medical and dental profession with NLP training has noticeably increased over the last few years. When I asked them how it has affected their lives, th...more
NLP and Aphantasia – having no ‘Mind’s Eye’
If you find it Impossible to Visualize Objects, People’s Faces, a wedding scene in your ‘mind’s eye’, scientists have coined a name for your condition – aphantasia.more
This article points out that lack of confidence comes from negative beliefs which we have often formed in childhood as a result of experiences at home or in school. The author take...more
Motivation and peal performance come from knowing what you want to achieve in life.more
This article illustrates how NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and related techniques can be used to relieve common problems experienced during pregnancy and, in particular, child...more
This article explains that NLP offers ways of working with clients based on understanding the basic structure of the brain, and a focus on what is important to the client. The au...more
NLP and Time Management - Getting Time on Your Side
You don’t use time, it uses you. Whether you race to complete tasks as quickly as possible or you sit at a desk and do nothing at all – time still passes at the same rate and you c...more
How can NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) help us prevent illness and stay as well and healthy as we possibly can? This article gives a brief description, before suggesting ways i...more
NLP in Education - A Magnificent Opportunity
Many times when I used to teach mathematics, I would notice that some student would be staring out the window daydreaming. I would wonder what was going on in their mind that they ...more
NLP Sports Techniques - Getting in the Zone
NLP Sports practitioners use some of the most powerful belief change techniques in the world. It is necessary because if a championship pistol shooter makes a bad shot he needs to ...more
NLP Teaching Social Interaction skills - (Theory of Mind)
There are serious consequences for a society in which an increasing number of children grow up being able to talk but not to communicate with people.more
NLP Tools for dealing with Addictions
Not all addictions are drug-fuelled but all blend seamlessly into problems related to impulse control. Whether it’s chocolate, cigarettes, alcohol, sex, gambling or cocaine, they ...more
NLP Tools: Build Rapport to Elicit Strategies
Rapport comes from showing other people by your behaviour and by your words that you accept the validity of their experience for them. You are meeting that person in their model of...more
NLP Training In The NHS Workplace
Four Main Areas for Using NLP in the Workplace. 1. Self-management Skills in Relation to Work. 2. Building better Communication Skills. 3. Modelling Successful Outcomes. 4. Listenin...more
NLP-based Strategies for Maintaining and Improving Eyesight Naturally
This article explains how, in a world in which more and more people are wearing glasses or contact lenses, we can re-educate our vision naturally and achieve lasting improvements u...more
NLP: Cult or Cure? Neither, Actually
This authoritative feature is a response to the definition of NLP on the online Wikipedia, which describes neurolinguistic programming as a cult.more
No More Beef - the Argument for Vegetarianism
The author points out the massive environmental damage caused by raising animals for meat, particularly cattle.more
This column focuses on the deeper significance of an old folklore on the search for enlightenment and our ego-master who holds many negative emotions in its memory banks and sends ...more
Gerry Pyves describes how pain in his hands and wrists did not stop him from continuing with his massage practice. Instead, he developed the injury-free No-Hands Massage technique,...more
Noise - Turn Down the Volume of Daily Life
This article focuses on the true power of silence and how we can tune out all the noise that we are surrounded with on a daily basis. It also looks at why the world has become so...more
Noni: Nature's Health-Enhancing Fruit
Known as Noni in Hawaii, the plant was brought to Polynesia from the East by migrating settlers and has been used by the people of Polynesia to treat a wide variety of health disor...more
Normal Ignorance and Natural Truth
For the past few million years human beings evolved into the species that exists today. What we observe is six billion people on a planet who all believe they live a normal life in ...more
Not All Massage Tables Are Created Equal
This article would be particularly invaluable for a newly qualified, or even more experienced person working in the healing professions using bodywork. It provides a careful, syste...more
This article focuses on recent research on Vitamin D, which suggests that it could be the key to food intolerances. It has been estimated that at least 30% of all patients who cons...more
Among the most irritating and distressing of symptoms are those related to the ears, nose and throat (or ENT as they are known in the trade). Julia came to see me after suffering...more
In this article the author, a broadcast journalist, shares her personal experience with Glandular Fever, which in her case was caused by seriously overworked adrenal glands due to ...more
Notes on Hope and Hopelessness
“There is an infinite amount of hope in the universe…but not for us.” ~ Franz Kafka That Kafka quote has pissed me off for about fifty years. Of course, Kafka may have been speak...more